Picture of me (Jeff Ma)

Jeff Ma

Web / Mobile Developer, Data Engineer

4th Year Computer Engineering at University of Waterloo




Hi, I’m Jeff! I’m an avid software and hardware developer who loves putting together the latest technologies and creating big things. Some of my hobbies include doing daily Leetcode challenges, working on small programming projects, and taking coding courses on Machine Learning and embedded systems. I hope to one day create something that will make a significant impact to millions of lives.

As of now, I’m on my study term learning about machine learning fundamentals, adaptive algorithms, robot dynamics and digital control systems. I'm also working on my FYDP project - stay tuned for updates on that! Some of my future interests involve working on projects that tie together the Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Web Development. I hope you enjoy looking into the things I’ve worked on as much as I did! You can check them out by clicking any of the icons in the top-right corner.